Our Business / Commodities
Our extensive network of preferred vendors has undergone strict background checks on their
establishments, product and quality control which ensures that we bring the best products
Product quality is our primary objective and no stones are left unturned in selecting the best
Our team has mastered the sourcing of soft commodities from different sources around the world:
countries like India, USA, Canada, Ukraine, Russia and Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan are just to
name a few, that specialize in selected commodities which have been brought closer to home
Our product range includes Wheat, Corn, Barley, Rice, Wheat Flour and Refined Sugar
from Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Kazakhstan, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, USA
from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Argentina
from Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania
from Russia, USA, Vietnam
Wheat Flour
from Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Romania